Over recent months there’s been a series of unfortunate incidents where rules designed to maintain the integrity of the public service and ministers have not been complied with.
With over 65 public service organisations using ComplyWith tools, we're always on the lookout of opportunities to help the sector with their compliance requirements.
Compliance content for s 18 of the Public Service Act
Section 18 of the Public Service Act requires organisations and individuals to comply with minimum standards of integrity and conduct issued under the Act.
To date, there's been 1 ComplyWith compliance obligation for section 18 and it referred to the several documents to which the section 18 duty applies.
To make things clearer for organisations and people who are subject to different requirements under documents to which the section 18 duty applies, ComplyWith now has the following 4 compliance obligations:
- An overview obligation for the integrity and conduct instruments applying to organisations that are ComplyWith customers
- An obligation for employees of organisations to which the Standards of Integrity and Conduct document applies
- An obligation for board members subject to the Code of Conduct for Crown Entity Board Members
- An obligation for directors who are subject to the Code of Conduct for Directors of Public Finance Act 1989 Schedule 4A companies
The new content relevant to your organisation will be downloaded into your ComplyWith site over the weekend of 1 and 2 July 2023 (unless you’re currently running a compliance survey, in which case it will appear once your survey is closed.)
Model standards compliance content now available
The Ngā Paerewa kia Tutuki | Model standards apply to many public sector organisations and their staff. The standards set out the Public Service Commissioner’s minimum expectations on a range of integrity issues.
Some Crown agencies have asked us to add and maintain the model standards compliance content.
Having the model standards content available in your ComplyWith tool will enable your organisation to:
- Run tailored online ‘surveys’ to:
- Ensure managers and staff have read and understood the elements of the standards relevant to them
- Monitoring and reporting on compliance with the standards
- Ensure requirements set out in the standards have been integrated into policies and processes.
- Access the standards in your Obligations Register which means:
- Easier access to, and navigation of, the standards
- The benefits of the powerful search function to find what you’re looking for in the standards
- Easy visibility of what’s changed in the standards using the Clarity of Change features.
- Set up tailored email notifications for any changes to the model standards.
If the model standards apply to your organisation they can now be added to your ComplyWith tool for a modest fee. If you’d like this important content please drop us a line.