Help with launching your Obligations Register, new features for your Email Sender, and... ComplyWatch V2 is nearly here!
Launching your Obligations Register
Thanks for all the great feedback about the new Obligations Register and email alerts. Some customers have even asked ‘how much will these new features cost us?’ It’s humbling for us to tell them these are included in their existing ComplyWith subscription.
In March we hosted a very well attended 45 minute Webinar about launching the Obligations Register and you can access a recording of that webinar, together with a short Admin Training video and other guidance for launching your Obligations Register from the Help Menu in the Admin Module of your ComplyWith.
Some customers have shared with us some really nice examples of how they are linking to their Obligations Register from their Intranets. This is very easy, especially if your organisation has activated Single Sign On (SSO), which is also very easy if your organisation uses Azure Active Directory.
ComplyWatch V2 is almost here
ComplyWatch is our tool for tracking the pipeline of developments that may result in law changes for an organization, giving visibility of changes coming and ensuring opportunities to participate in consultations or submissions are never missed again. Whereas ComplyWith and its Obligations Register gives clarity about when and how the law has actually changed.
As demand for ComplyWatch has steadily increased over recent years, and the original ComplyWatch tech is getting fairly old, we’ve invested in building a whole new ComplyWith V2 tool, which will have many wonderful new features, including:
- Integration with your ComplyWith platform, including access via SSO where set up
- Tighter alignment of content tracked to you particular operations
- An elegant and super-intuitive new user interface
- Very simple set up and tailoring of alerts and reports
- More information and links in the email alerts and reports, plus more flexibility on timing and coverage.
We’ll be officially launching the new ComplyWatch at Unplugged on 23 September 2022, as we envisage this new tool will be of considerable interest even to organisations that do not currently subscribe to ComplyWatch.
In the meantime we’ll continue to work hard on finishing the build of ComplyWatch V2 over the next month, and then from late June or early July we can begin moving existing ComplyWatch customers onto the new ComplyWatch.
Email sender enhancements
We’ve recently enhanced the email sender module in your ComplyWith Admin. In addition to being able to send templated emails to participants in a survey, there’s a new section for sending other types of emails, with templates for:
- The general launch of the Obligations Register
- Information for Users of the Obligations Register
- Introducing ComplyWith to new staff, for example managers with compliance responsibilities
If you can think of other email templates that you’d find useful to have, please do let us know.