In an informative and entertaining presentation at ComplyWith’s recent Unplugged conference WorkSafe chief executive Phil Parkes explained WorkSafe’s four key focus areas. He also gave a stern warning to chief executives and directors.
For a quick summary of the key points read that article below or watch this short interview with Phil Parkes
Watch Phil Parke’s full presentation here
WorkSafe’s four focus areas
The first two areas are longstanding known areas of workplace harm that should have been sorted out a long time ago. Failures in either area can now expect enforcement action:
1. Plant and structures, particularly machinery. The requirement is to always safely manage the interactions between people and your machinery;
2. Airbornes and carcinogens. These are harm-causing dusts and chemicals that we can breath in. These need to be safely managed in every workplace – no exceptions.
The next two areas of focus are more forward thinking, with the opportunity to make a real difference to the safety of work in Aotearoa:
3. Worker engagement. In addition to telling workers what is required of them, we need to be better at listening to our workers as they understand how work is done day-to-day, and they can tell us how to do it better and safer.
4. Influence and control. Even though you might not be at a workplace, if you are in a position of influence or control, you must use that position to influence how work is done.
“…you must use your influence and control to improve how work is done, if not, we’ll be knocking on your door.”